LAW: Pengantar Bahasa Inggris untuk Studi Hukum
Sri Hardini, SS., MS
Editor & Layouter:
Hikmawan Syahputra, M.A
Desain Sampul:
Ananda Rizalni, S.Pd
Cetakan Pertama; September 2023
ISBN : 978-623-8290-18-5
E-ISBN : 978-623-8290-19-2 (PDF)
The law is the work of man in the form of norms contains instructions behavior. He is a reflection of the will of the people about how the community should be fostered and where it should be directed. Therefore, first of all laws that contain recordings of the ideas were associated with the law chosen by the society in which it was created. The law is the law or regulations behavior and customs of the people are. Both people view the law as a principle and as a habit, it is solely dependent on the establishment that we follow.
Science covers legal and discuss all things related to law. Similarly, the extent of the problems covered by this science, so that could provoke people’s opinions to say, that “borders can not be determined” (Curzon, 1979: v}. In English it is called jurisprudence.